You really don’t feel at home until you’ve found your home gym routine. We had just survived our move to Vermont and a big part of getting settled in was finding our new home gym. It’s a Goldilocks tale to tell.
GYM #1 was 5 minutes from our new home, a dream too good to be true. It included equipment comparable to a large, extra nice hotel gym. Hey, 5 minutes from home and I can make do with that. Then, I SAW IT!!! A mysterious separate room haloed by a golden glow with RACKS! I heard an angel choir sing and thought this is the perfect gym and only 5 minutes from the house. Then management slapped me with the extra fee to use the standard equipment used for building muscle. I bid my farewells and moved on to,
GYM # 2 This gym draws a crowd and your’re waiting in line to use mediocre equipment and when you go early enough to avoid the mad rush, you’re still waiting in line to use the basic good equipment.
GYM # 3 Compared to the others, this gym is the winner. 5 minutes from work, so I sacrifice taking a luxurious shower at home and pack everything up to make it happen at the gym. There’s a rack, a bench, a smith machine and a handful of cables, it still doesn’t have everything on my wish list but it’s working for now. I’ve been in my groove and sticking with certain routines for about 3 weeks, then switching it up. The flat bench has proven itself reliably useful for a great chest pump before starting the day but I’ve been yearning for the burn of tearing some muscle up.
Here is a recent chest switch up that has revealed itself as just that, a routine that finds the burn we yearn for building more muscle:
Incline Dumbbell Press 4 sets 8-10 reps
Flatbench Dumbbell Flyes 4 sets 10-12 reps (squeeze at the top and make sure your isolating the PECS)
- Wide push ups – to failure
with Around the Worlds on a flat bench 8-10 reps
30-minutes to burn and build, Enjoy! Goldilocks will keep you posted on the gym search, I’ve been hearing rumors!