Okay fellow workout mamas. We know our bodies can do some pretty amazing things like make and feed beautiful babies. Now go out and see what your body is capable after that. You’ll continue to be amazed.
Getting back into the gym after the boys were born was totally starting over. Little did I know, I was starting over with an even stronger body. I guess pregnancy prepares us for, well…, the unthinkable. I never thought I would be using my goal weight on the bench as my warm up weight on the bench BUT this week, I made that happen!
I was lucky enough to have complementary support from one of the trainers at Energy Gym. I’ve been stuck at 135lbs on the flat bench for a few weeks now because I just haven’t had a spotter.
Today was the day. Once I hit 8 reps easy with 135lbs, I knew it was time to DO or DIE so to speak.
Here’s a shout out to Gary Howard, the current USAPL American RAW record holder in the Masters 55 and up, 198 lb weight class bench press and dead lift, who was there to psych me up to bench 185 lbs!!! Powerlifters always have your back.
Here’s the workout that tore apart my PECS and made me feel unstoppable:
Flat Bench Press
warm up with bar 20-25 reps
125 lbs 12 reps
135 lbs 8 reps
155 lbs 5 reps
175 lbs 2 reps
185 lbs 1 rep
2-3 minutes between sets
follow up with 5 sets of 5 reps of 135 lbs
Incline Dumbell Press
40 lbs 10 reps
45 lbs 8 reps
50 lbs 6 reps
4 sets of Dips with bodyweight until failure
40 flips with 250lb tire
If you have the rest of the day to deal with toddlers and family like I did, grab a HUGE cup of coffee post feeding your muscles for the rest of the day. To quote Gary Howard, “GO STRONG” fellow mamas, GO STRONG!
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