Need a quick and efficient workout that will target your muscles the same way a 40-60 minute workout would? Sure you do! Whether you’re getting ready for a business meeting or planning the day with 3-year old twin boys, this workout will keep you balanced and ensure your kick it off right . Building your muscles is just an added bonus!
Here goes!
Incline Bench Twisting Dumbbell Press
warm up set 12-15 reps
increase weight for 10 reps
increase weight for 8 reps
Decline Bench Dumbbell Flies
3 sets 10-12 reps
Chest Press Machine
3 sets 8-10 reps
Cable Crossover 36’s
12 reps of cable cross overs at high level
12 reps of cable crossover mid level
12 reps of cable crossover low level
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