We got this tidy Arm workout from Nicole Ball courtesy of rxmuscle.com. If you can lift 12 or more for the set go heavier next time. Nicole says she really goes by feel and doesn’t concern herself too much on the weight. Concentrate on the bodypart with each rep. It’s not the toughest workout as for creativity so an intermediate can handle it easily and even a beginner in the weight section will get a great workout. Nicole is very informative and admits a PB addiction.
Check out the link below for the tutorial and profile.
Warm up
– Standing alternating db bicep curls 3 sets 8-12 reps for all exercises
– Straight Barbell Curl – 3 sets Keep Wrist lock Moderately heavy
– Seated db seated girls with slight decline. 3 Sets Go lighter and very slow. Flex all the way down. Do both arms at the same time.
– Preacher curls with cables
– Seated over-the-head-tricep dumbell press
– Rope pressdown. These kill my wrist so I do tricep presses with a bench
– Skull crushers I was pressed for time and supersetted these with the tricep press
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